Alexandre Morin-Chassé, M.A., Ph.D.
CiteScore: 3.1
2Y Impact Factor: 1.9
Morin-Chassé, Alexandre
In Press
Genetic essentialism among supporters of far-right parties:
Evidence from Sweden and Norway
International Journal of Public Opinion Research
Publisher : Oxford University Press.
IJPOR is the official journal of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR).
Morin-Chassé, Alexandre
Behavioral Genetics:
From Science News to Political Preferences
ELSIhub Collection.
ELSIhub enhances the production and use of scholarship on the ethical, legal and social implications of genetics and genomics by supporting the resource sharing and community building activities of ELSI scholars, clinicians, educators, trainees, and the wider community.
ELSIhub Collections are essential reading lists on fundamental or emerging topics in ELSI, curated and explained by expert Collection Editors, often paired with ELSI trainees. This series assembles materials from cross-disciplinary literatures to enable quick access to key information.
Citations: 11
CiteScore: 14.0
2Y Impact Factor: 8.5
Lachapelle, Erick, Alexandre Morin-Chassé and Richard Nadeau
Framing the Energy East pipeline debate in Canada:
Public opinion is sensitive to public safety and economic considerations
Energy Research and Social Science, 77.
Publisher : Elsevier.
Energy Research & Social Science is a peer-reviewed academic journal covering social science research on energy systems and energy and society, including anthropology, economics, geography, psychology, political science, social policy, sociology, science and technology studies and legal studies.
Essential reading at :
Université de Montréal
- POL 6612 – Opinion publique, Winter 2022.
Morin-Chassé, Alexandre
Chapter 9: Experimental Research
In Loleen Berdahl and Jason Roy (Eds), Explorations: Conducting Empirical Research in Canadian Political Science. Fourth Edition.
Publisher : Oxford University Press.
ISBN-13: 9780199037445
Essential reading at :
- McGill University : POL 210 Political Science Research Methods, Winter 2021, Winter 2023.
- University of Saskatchewan : POLS 256.3 (WS1): Understanding Political Science Research, Fall 2021.
- Carleton University : PSCI 2701 Section A Introduction to Research Methods in Political Science, Fall 2021.
- Wilfrid Laurier University : PO 217A - Asking Questions in Political Science: An Introduction to Research, Fall 2021.
Recommanded reading at :
- Western University : POLISCI 9590A Intro to Quantitative Methods, Winter 2022, Fall 2022.
Citations : 16
CiteScore: 3.6
Morin-Chassé, Alexandre and Erick Lachapelle
Partisan strength and the politicization of global climate change:
A re-examination of Schuldt, Roh, and Schwarz 2015.
Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 10(1): 31-40.
Publisher : Springer.
The Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences is the official publication of the Association of Environmental Sciences and Studies (AESS).
Citations: 8
CiteScore: 5.9
2Y Impact Factor: 2.9
Morin-Chassé, Alexandre
Behavioral genetics, population genetics, and genetic essentialism:
A survey experiment
Science and Education, 29,(6)1595–1619.
Publisher : Springer.
Science & Education publishes research using historical, philosophical, and sociological approaches in order to improve teaching, learning, and curricula in science and mathematics.
Citations: 5
CiteScore: 5.1
Morin-Chassé, Alexandre
How to survey about electoral turnout? Additional evidence
Journal of Experimental Political Science 5(3): 230-233.
Publisher : Cambrige University Press.
JEPS is the official journal of the Experimental Research Section of the American Political Science Association.
Essential reading at :
- Carleton University : PSCI 2701A Introduction to Research Methods in Political Science, Fall 2019.
Citations: 2
CiteScore: 5
Morin-Chassé, Alexandre
How messages about behavioral genetics research can impact on genetic attribution beliefs
F1000 Research 5:2744
F1000Research is an open access, open peer-review scientific publishing platform covering the life sciences. Articles are published first and peer reviewed after publication by invited referees.
Citations: 29
Cite Score: 3.4
Morin-Chassé, Alexandre, Elizabeth Suhay, and Toby E. Jayaratne
Discord over DNA:
Ideological responses to scientific communication about genes and race
Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics 2(2): 260–299
Publisher : Cambrige University Press.
JREP is the official journal of the Race, Ethnicity, and Politics section of the American Political Science Association.
This article is listed among essential readings in the ELSIhub Collections | Race, Genetics, and Genetics Education.
Citations: 44
CiteScore: 8.1
2Y Impact Factor: 5.2
Morin-Chassé, Alexandre, Damien Bol, Laura Stephenson and Simon Labbé Saint-Vincent
How to survey about electoral turnout?
The efficacy of the face-saving response items in 19 different contexts
Political Science Research and Methods 5(3): 575–584
Publisher : Cambridge University Press.
PSRM is the official journal of the European Political Science Association.
Citations: 138
CiteScore: 5.5
2Y Impact Factor: 2.5
Blais, André, Alexandre Morin-Chassé and Shane Singh
Election outcomes, legislative representation, and satisfaction with democracy
Party Politics 23(2): 85–95
Publisher : Sage
Party Politics is a peer reviewed journal dedicated to the study of this integral component within political science.
Essential reading at :
- University of Bergen : SAMPOL306 Master’s Seminar in Comparative Politics, Fall 2018.
- University of Georgia : INTL 8374: Comparative Political Behavior, Winter 2023.
- University of Western Ontario : POLS 9532B Public Opinion and Democratic Engagement, Winter 2020, Winter 2021.
Citations: 69
CiteScore: 4.0
Wass, Hanna, André Blais , Alexandre Morin-Chassé and Marjukka Weide
Engaging immigrants?
Examining the correlates of electoral participation among voters with migration background
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties 25(4): 407–424
Publisher : Taylor and Francis
JEPOP the is official journal of the Elections, Public Opinion & Parties (EPOP) specialist group of the Political Studies Association, United Kingdom. It is published by
Morin-Chassé, Alexandre and Erick Lachapelle
Chapter 11: Experimental Research
in Keith Archer and Loleen Berdahl (Eds), Explorations: Conducting Empirical Research in Canadian Political Science. Third Edition.
Publisher : Oxford University Press.
Essential reading at :
- McGill University : POL 210 Political Science Research Methods, Winter 2020.
- Corcordia University : POLI 393 Advanced Empirical Research Methods, , Winter 2021
- Huron University College : Research Methods in Political Science, Winter 2019
- Université de Montréal : POL 7005 Séminaire général, , Fall 2021,Fall 2019.
- Université de Montréal : POL 1100 Méthodes de recherche en politique, Fall 2018, Winter 2019, Fall 2020.
- University of Victoria : POL 321 Introduction to Research Methods in Politics, Fall 2017.
- Carleton University : PSCI 2701 Introduction to Research Methods in Political Science, Fall 2016.
Citations: 32
CiteScore: 14.1
2Y Impact Factor: 11.6
Morin-Chassé, Alexandre
Public (mis) understanding of news about behavioral genetics research:
A survey experiment
BioScience 64(12): 1170–1177.
Publisher : Oxford University Press
BioScience is the official journal of the American Institute of Biological Sciences.
This article is listed among essential readings in the ELSIhub Collections | Race, Genetics, and Genetics Education.
Citations: 31
Gélineau, François et Alexandre Morin-Chassé
Les motifs de la participation électorale au Québec : élection de 2008
Cahiers de la Chaire de recherche sur la démocratie et les institutions parlementaires
Publisher : Presses de l'Université Laval